Cancer Patient Navigation is complex.

The Dandelion Toolkit® makes a cancer diagnosis easier to understand with beautiful visuals that communicate clearly.

What patients, nurse navigators, and educators have to say about this cancer patient navigation tool:

Explain the Stages of Breast Cancer through Visual Metaphor

Developed in 2015 and used in 25 clinics internationally, the Dandelion Toolkit® makes a cancer diagnosis easier to understand using visuals of a dandelion to explain staging, pathology, subtype, and treatment options.

The Dandelion Toolkit has three tools for cancer patient navigation:

Conversation Card

Conversation Card

The conversation card covers the diagnosis basics: staging, location, subtype, treatment options, and quality of life all on a single sheet of folded paper.

The healthcare provider just needs to annotate with a few checkboxes, and give it to the patient to take home, as a summary of the diagnosis conversation.

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Navigation Notebook

Navigation Notebook

The patient navigation notebook expands on the information in the conversation card already given to the patient. The patient/caregiver then uses the information from the card to fill in their notebook.

When a patient discovers a blank space, it makes it easy to discuss with the healthcare team to address knowledge gaps.

Preview the notebook here.

Coming in 2024: Order the metastatic notebook for free through the MBCA.

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Patient Diagnosis Video

Patient Diagnosis Video

In just two minutes, make a custom diagnosis video that explains the stage, subtype, and treatment options. Members who subscribe will have their center’s logo and a custom video message from the healthcare team to add to the patient videos.

Sign up below for early access to the video tool.